
Segou’Art 2021

I was in Mali in February and March to exhibit my welded steel book sculptures at Segou’Art. Segou’Art I Festival on the Niger is a contemporary art fair on the banks of the Niger River. It brings together artists, gallerists, collectors, art lovers and art critics around the works of young emerging talents and established artists from Africa and elsewhere. The mission …

Puffin Foundation’s online exhibition

A New President in 2021, my recent work is included in the Puffin Cultural Forum’s online exhibition. The exhibition is part of the Puffin Foundation’s project on Election 2020.     The Right to Vote is a fundamental right guaranteed by the US Constitution to every single American. It is a right that has been hard fought since its …

Works of Resistance, Resilience: Notions of Home and Borders

Can We Acknowledge? 4 feet x 25 feet x 4 feet, steel, 2003 My sculpture, Can We Heal, is included as a section heading in the new issue of About Place Journal, Works of Resistance, Resilience. Edited by Jacqueline Johnson, the issue includes art, poetry, fiction and more by 83 writers and artists from around the world. The Journal is …


Carter Burden Gallery presents a new online exclusive exhibition. The exhibition can be seen on Carter Burden’s website and  Master welder, Janet Goldner presents free standing and wall mounted steel sculptures in Glyphs her second exhibition with Carter Burden Gallery. While this exhibition highlights her steel sculptures, her work explores culture, identity and social justice in various media: steel sculpture, photography, …

The USPS Art Project

Gouche, Pastel, Mixed Media on Paper, 8″ x 10″ x 1″ Janet Goldner & Nancy Andell, Friendship Overland, Overseas, Gouache, Pastel, Mixed Media on Paper, 8″ x 10″ x 1″ This collaborative project is to support the United States Postal Service during the COVID-19 crisis that helps artists connect. Artists choose a collaboration partner and each begins an artwork. We sent …

Drive By

Ebola Came to Mali on a Bus, 10 feet x 12 feet x 4 feet, Steel, Gloves, Goggles, 2015 In an effort to “flatten the curve” of fine art installation closures, activist muralist Janet Braun-Reintz and her son comedian Dave Reintz created Drive By Art Gallery by converting the outdoor coming attraction poster boxes into 12 installation boxes featuring images …

You Will Know Me: Migration Stories

Janet participated in You Will Know Me, a group exhibition curated by Tara Sabharwal in response to the 2016 US elections. The exhibition featuring works by artists from all over the globe.

New York Artist, Janet Goldner Receives Fulbright Specialist Grant to Japan

Goldner presented a three week workshop for visual art students at Kyoto Seika University. Inspired by a process originated by the renowned feminist art critic, Arlene Raven, participants are guided to examine the reasons and context of their artistic production in order to deepen their understanding of their work and learn how to present their work.

Bogolan Workshop

Each year, the Friends Academy Middle School comes together as a whole community for an Arts Celebration. Goldner taught a four day Bogolan Workshop. The first day included an introduction to bogolan, history, uses, symbols. Students experimented with clay slip from Mali on a small cotton cloth. The second day, students worked on a larger cloth. On the third day, …

Vision Festival

Ebola Came to Mali on a Bus, Steel, Gloves, Goggles, 10′ x 12′ x 4′. 2015 Images of Goldner’s work were projected during the concert at the Vision Festival. Founded in 1996, the Vision Festival is New York City’s longest continuously running jazz festival.  Now in its 24th year, this festival of music, dance, poetry, and visual art is heralded …