Ideogram Book 2, 24 inches x 36 inches x 24 inches, steel, 2007 ||| Ideograms are a symbolic writing system. The ideograms here are used by the Dogon people of Mali as part of ceremonies and divination.
Ideogram Book 1, 18 inches x 24 inches x 10 inches, steel, 2007 ||| Ideograms are a symbolic writing system. The ideograms here are used by the Dogon people of Mali as part of ceremonies and divination. The three ideograms visible here refer to wake up, a big fire to purify the earth and writing or knowledge of the unknown.
People Book, 9 inches x 16 inches x 13 inches, steel, 1996
Triangle, Circle, Square, 7 inches x 16 inches x 8 inches, steel, 1998
i ni ce, thank you, merci, 12 inches x 30 inches x 15 inches, steel, 1999 ||| This accordion book says “thank you” in the three languages Janet use when she is in Mali. Bamanankan is one of the major Malian languages. In addition she speaks the English she brings with her, and French, the European colonial language that is widely spoken at least in the cities.
Land of My Grandparents, 12 inches x 12 inches x 36 inches, steel, 2008. ||| After many years of researching the genealogy of her own family, Janet traveled to Poland and the Ukraine to visit the towns her grandparents emigrated from. She also visited holocaust sites and museums. Her genealogical research gave Jane a better understanding of her family and herself. “Land of my Grandparents” comes from this experience.
Crushed Cans, 12 inches x 18 inches x 6 inches, 2009
Y Book, 17 inches x 18 inches x 7 inches, steel 2007
Culture Shock 2, 20 inches x 24 inches x 16 inches, steel, 2000 ||| Culture shock is a feeling of discomfort and disorientation in an environment that is also familiar, a painful experience as Janet comes and goes.
Pieced Circles, 10 inches x 17 inches x 12 inches, steel, 1999
Untitled, 9 inches x 27 inches x 8 inches, steel, 1998
Negelan 5 (triangles), 10 inches x 19 inches x 12 inches, steel, 2000
Hinged sculptural steel books with movable pages range in size from small indoor tabletop/book shelf size to large outdoor sculptural installations including fences and gates.
The books are pieced and pierced by imagery and text resulting in varying degrees of transparency through made of steel. Viewers can see thru the pages to “read” the following pages. These playful layered, steel collages are constructed from Goldner’s own scrap steel.